quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010

treinamento via web sobre Sistema de concentração de energia solar - em inglês

Free Training course on CSTP technologies and solar radiation assessment
5 lessons to have a comprehensive understanding of technology

Join Manuel Silva, one of Spain’s leading experts on concentrated solar thermal power, in a free five-lesson webinar series that will cover current technologies, project site planning as well as an assessment of current options for delivering dispatchable power.
The web based course will drill down on technological issues for the Concentrated Solar Thermal Power industry, including:
How the technology works – the 4 CSTP technologies close up: parabolic troughs, linear Fresnel, parabolic dish & central receiver
Solar resource assessment – how to calculate the actual solar profitability of your site
Heat storage & hybridisation – what is the real scope for dispatchability
The course will be lead by Manuel Silva, PHd University of Seville, who has over 24 years experience in the CSTP field. Manual Silva was the winner of last year’s CSP Today Special Achievement Award 09.
How do I register? You can register for this course here. A reminder will be sent to your in-box with dates and time 3 days and 1 day before the event.
When & Where? Online, on the following dates (17h00 Madrid time):

* 03 March 2010 - General Principles of CSTP technology
* 16 March 2010 - Linear Focus Technologies: Parabolic Trough and Linear Fresnel Reflectors
* 14 April 2010 - Point Focus Technologies: Parabolic Dish and Central Receiver
* 27 April 2010 - Thermal Storage and Hybridization
* 5 May 2010 - Assessing the Solar Resource for CSTP plants

About the Speaker

Manuel Silva is a PhD Industrial Engineer with 24 years of engineering experience (and winner of the CSP Today Special Achievement Award, 2009) together with 10 years as Associate Professor at the Engineering School of Seville University.
He heads up Solar Thermal Concentrating Systems and Solar Radiation Projects at the Group of Thermodynamics and Renewable Energy at Seville University.
As a Member of the International Test and Evaluation Team at Plataforma Solar de Almeria (Spain), Manuel Silva both coordinates and participates in several national and international projects on the following topics:
* Solar resource measurement, evaluation and assessment;
* Feasibility analysis of solar thermal power projects, including site characterization, Estimation of electricity generation, optimization of the solar field;
* R&D projects for component development, performance evaluation of solar thermal concentrating systems.
Fonte Leonardo Energy

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